Sustainable cleaning of Pictorial Heritage: optimization of laser ablation processes

LASERING-PH is a research project on the laser painting interaction

Laser ablation allows the removal of surface films in a localized, gradual, and selective manner without waste generation. This procedure should follow a clean technology that helps to minimize industrial emissions.

Mural painting
Tempera. Alhambra, Granada.
Mural Painting
Fresco. Tui Cathedral, Pontevedra.
Mural Painting
Tempera. Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña.
Mock-ups preparation
Mock-ups preparation
Ariccio layer of the fresco painting
Ariccio layer of the fresco painting
Arriccio + intonaco
Arriccio + intonaco
Mock-up sample preparation
Fresco mock-ups preparation
Tempera mock-ups
Tempera mock-ups
Carbon black and red earth cave mock-up
Carbon black and red earth cave mock-up
Red earth cave mock-up
Red earth cave mock-up
Samples with pollution simulations
Samples with pollution simulations
Irradiation of Ultramarine blue laser NdYAG 1064nm
Irradiation of Ultramarine blue laser NdYAG 1064nm
Irradiation of Ultramarine blue laser NdYAG 1064nm
Irradiation of Ultramarine blue laser NdYAG 1064nm
Dissemination activities at the Pavilhão do Conhecimento-Ciência Viva
Dissemination activities


To know the effect of laser radiation

Based on prior scientific knowledge, on which equipment to be used and under what conditions it should be applied to avoid damage.

Irradiation of Ultramarine blue laser NdYAG 1064nm

To identify the parameters of laser irradiation

The scientific knowledge about which conditions would be the most favorable, allowing anticipation in decision-making.

Laura Herguedas abre unha das mostras de pigmento Lasering-PH

To transfer the results to a real intervention

The interest of this proposal is to generate useful knowledge for practical application. A part of this project will focus on cleaning a real work.


The scientific information about in situ laser cleaning performed on real paintings is very limited, probably due to this lack of solid knowledge about laser-painting interaction.